In the spotlight

xxx km / xxx miles 🚗 🚶
Chillingham Castle, Chillingham 🇬🇧
Chillingham Castle boasts some of the highest levels of paranormal activity in the country, with a large collection of spectres and apparitions spotted by visitors over the years.
The gear
Fujifilm X-T20
The pictures
Hermitage Castle, Newcastleton 🇬🇧
Hermitage Castle is the archetypal border castle. During the Middle Ages it changed hands several times between the Scots and the English.
The first structure on this site was built in the 14th century and was an oblong erected around a small courtyard. It was rebuilt a few decades later by the Douglas lairds when it became a very large tower house.
Today the castle is more or less just a shell of the original castle but it is imposing enough to conjure up ghostly images in the mind of the visitor. There are two main ghosts which are supposed to haunt Hermitage Castle.
The gear
Fujifilm X-T20
The pictures
On the road 🇬🇧
The gear
Fujifilm X-T20